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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/24/18

Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/24/18

A couple of years ago, I tried to organize one of my elite events in Marrakech. A minority of the attendees refused to go, telling me it was “too dangerous.” These are intelligent people whom I respect, but I knew they were wrong. Would I put my wife and myself in danger (and paying clients!!)?

I moved the event, which cost me money but more than that irritated me because of the intransigence. The statistics and stories they turned up were stellar examples of confirmation bias. Morocco was dangerous, period, in their view.

I’m writing this from the Four Seasons in Marrakech, where my wife and I have had a great time (on our way to Tenerife and another of those elite meetings). There are mosques, churches, and synagogues; Muslim dress and western dress; extremely friendly people; wonderful food. Everyone is accepted here.

It’s a loss for those who refused to go and thereby prevented others from going. The continuing lesson to me is that when someone who’s fairly bright suggests something alien to your beliefs at the moment, give it some serious thought and stop looking for ways to merely bolster your own biases. I remember fondly the first time I tasted uni, boarded a roller coaster, took scuba lessons, skied, and made a speech.

And visited Marrakech.


We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. —Walt Disney

Super Best Practices

This is an entirely new offering comprising what I’ve learned over the past two years in my global work and communities. I’m delivering it in Adelaide in November. I’ll be covering leads, compelling messages, the new kinds of sales evangelism, innovative marketing, virtually labor-free relationships, and much more. I anticipate participants will call the office to change practices and rewrite proposals during the program.



You can’t “think outside the box” if you’re still in the box. And any box is too small for any true entrepreneur. Yet you probably don’t realize the dimensions of your current, unconscious confinement. Join me for a BIG day in Miami in January to learn how to instantly think in larger terms, be seen in a larger light, and live large.



Million Dollar Consulting® College—The first in two years.

I’ve slimmed it down to three days, take only a dozen people, and deal with all aspects of attraction, conversion, implementation, and expansion. Extensive role plays and exercises. Who knows if I’ll do another in two years—or ever? Four seats remain, join us in December in a world-class property in Newport. Lodging and most meals are included in the fee.


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • René Vidal

    September 24, 2018

    Love it, enjoy!

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