Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/04/10
October 04, 2010—Issue #55
This week’s focus point: Firefighters have a tradition and discipline that call for the senior officer present to lead others into danger. The firefighters risk their lives, and the leader is not asking them for anything that the leader isn’t personally doing. Routinely, athletic coaches are fired for the non-performance of their teams. (I’ve never seen a team fired for failing to meet its coach’s expectations or promises.) Instead of “downsizing” and laying off thousands for errors in the executive suite, perhaps we should be following those who truly lead and not merely direct, and who are held personally accountable for the result.
Monday Morning Perspective: Rhetoric succeeds when there is a bond of trust between speaker and audience. That trust is more important than eloquence—or the absence of eloquence; and it has no necessary connection to it. An honest, competent person laboring to communicate his own convictions is far more persuasive than a fluent declaimer whose character the audience may have doubts about. — Aristotle
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