Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/29/12
October 29, 2012—Issue #162
This week's focus point: I just had the opportunity to hear a popular consultant and author deliver her thoughts on what amounts to unremitting gloom. Her advice was to find people who share a common philosophy and spend your time solely with them, trying to influence factors you can control. Not only do I find this antipodal to the optimism and potential of humankind, but I see it as intellectual incest. I'm too young to give up trying to influence others and improve the world. I hope that never changes. When you don't challenge others and aren't challenged by them, you simply implode in self-absorption. That's one reason I wanted to hear this person, to introduce other views. Unfortunately, I listened to her, but she wasn't at all interested in listening to the rest of us. Don't make that mistake. Life is about open gates, not small yards.
Monday Morning Perspective: You don't want to be considered just the best. You want to be considered the only one who does what you do. — Jerry Garcia
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