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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/7/13

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/7/13

October 7, 2013—Issue #211

This week's focus point: I've had this crazy thought that we're living in times that drive us to polarization. We see the phenomenon in politics, in business, in religion, in entertainment (Miley Cyrus is a young woman trying to find her voice; Miley Cyrus is the devil). One cause I've come up with is that we don't talk WITH others any more, we talk AT them. We are vanity publishers on social media, voice mail leavers and retrievers, email bumblebees. We tend to deal in messages, not communication. We listen to sound bites and merely read headlines online. I've always thought that it's hard to demonize people merely on the basis of their opinions when we're looking at them in person and interchanging points of view. Every point of view isn't a principle to die for, and one person's taste is just that, not a universal doctrine. Most of life's issues should be on a rheostat, but we seem to have made them subject to an “on/off” switch.

Monday Morning Perspective: “…any Southerner who did not believe in it had obviously never tried to vote Republican and live in Virginia.” — John Mosby, on whether he believed in hell

Super Coaching Program with Alan: There are currently a couple of openings in my Super Coaching Program, working with me, personally, in an intense development experience: http://summitconsulting.com/seminars/Supercharged-Coaching.php

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ISSN 2151-0091

© Alan Weiss 2013. All rights reserved

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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