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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/06/10

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/06/10

December 6, 2010—Issue #64

This week’s focus point: The beat goes on. We acknowledge trouble in European economies, we watch legislative stalemates, we’re bombarded with the latest inanities of pseudo-celebrities. Yet retail sales are up, housing is recovering, car sales are strong, luxury goods are doing well, and more jobs are being created. The recovery is moving from “slow” to a slightly higher speed. Things aren’t great, but they are getting better. The best way to escape what I call “economic pessimism” is to refuse to be a party to it. Look for the opportunities, and orient your personal and professional endeavors around them. And if professional “victims” want to sing the blues, allow them to sing solo.

Monday Morning Perspective: The line that divides good and evil is not a line that divides good men from bad men, but a line which cuts through the middle of every human heart. — Alexander Sholzhenitsyn

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ISSN 2151-0091

© Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved

I remember a meeting with a boutique consulting firm that had fallen on hard times. The debate was whether or not to sell their magnificent conference table. “Where would clients sit?” asked one partner. “We have no clients,” stated the advocate of selling. You can’t cut your way to renewal or success. Top line growth is the key to bottom line achievement, for you and for your clients. Today is the time to invest in the future. Once you cut muscle, you’re powerless.
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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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