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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/12/11

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/12/11

December 12, 2011—Issue #116

This week’s focus point: Brevity isn't merely the soul of wit (Hamlet). We seem obsessed with telling people everything we know rather than what they need to know (hence, all those boring undergraduate lectures). Keep two factors in mind in business: speed and brevity. The more quickly you help others, the more valuable you are. Of course, that entails the suppression of ego and a true focus on helping, and a strong self-esteem that doesn't require that you continually prove how smart you are. Enough said.

Monday Morning Perspective: If an offense come out of the truth, better it is that the offense come than that the truth be concealed. — St. Jerome, cited by John Toland in “Captured by History”

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ISSN 2151-0091

© Alan Weiss 2011. All rights reserved

I remember a meeting with a boutique consulting firm that had fallen on hard times. The debate was whether or not to sell their magnificent conference table. “Where would clients sit?” asked one partner. “We have no clients,” stated the advocate of selling. You can't cut your way to renewal or success. Top line growth is the key to bottom line achievement, for you and for your clients. Today is the time to invest in the future. Once you cut muscle, you're powerless.
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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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