Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/24/14
This week's focus point: Once again, we witness a stunning revolution, this time in the Ukraine. The real question now, as in Egypt and Libya, is freedom for what purpose? Will people join in collaboration to create reforms, or will a variety of self-interests create fiefdoms, chaos, even separate states? Ironically, the capture of the world's most notorious drug kingpin, El Chapo in Mexico, will more likely see a new “CEO” take over, as would be the case when a Fortune 500 CEO retires. This is not Enron on the brink of collapse, but a complex, successful organization. There will be infighting, but the collective self-interest is strong to return to criminal “normalcy.” It would be a shame if the drug lords of crime succeeded where the revolutionaries for freedom cannot.
Monday Morning Perspective: He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself. — Thomas Paine
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