Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/3/14
This week's focus point: Values are starkly different from appearances. The Russians conducted a safe and successful Winter Olympics, and by all indications were gracious hosts. Two weeks later, they march into an independent country and occupy a major portion of it with armed troops. I've seen businesses act the same way, with lovely plaques on the walls proclaiming integrity and respect, while systematically replacing older, higher paid workers with younger, less expensive ones. We've all seen politicians promise a better day for every voter while running for office, then taking care of themselves and running from voters once in office. The test of a person, organization, or nation is to walk the talk and talk the walk. Single acts of hypocrisy can create mistrust and animosity forever.
Monday Morning Perspective: Whoever eats my bread sings my song. — Harry Cohen, one time president of Columbia Pictures
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ISSN 2151-0091
© Alan Weiss 2013. All rights reserved
Alan, someone framed the Russian actions as Ronald Reagan with Grenada. Thoughts on similarities?
Alan Weiss
Ridiculous. We didn’t make Grenada part of the US, as far as I can see! There are self-loathing Americans who think WE are what’s wrong with the world. Do you see anyone risking illegal border crossings to reside in Russia?