Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/10/13
June 10, 2013—Issue #194
This week's focus point: Home schooling, alternative education, non-traditional education, and other options are dramatically increasing in the US. Meanwhile, the notion of vast campuses–where students are housed, clothed, parked, fed, and occasionally educated (and full professors rarely teach)–at the cost of mind-boggling debt becomes increasingly tenuous. That's because we don't focus on the customer, but on the teacher, just as airports are overwhelmingly built for planes not passengers. Education is run with a strategic “method of distribution” driving force, through highly unionized teachers. It should be run with a “markets served” driving force, for the benefit of the students (and their parents). Crops grow best in open fields and are then stored in warehouses. Are our kids in fields or warehouses?
Monday Morning Perspective: If horses and cattle did theology, horses would draw the form of the gods like horses, and cattle like cattle. — Xenophanes
How to Convert Meetings to Business: Last call for the Geometry of the Sale, June 13:
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