Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/17/13
June 17, 2013—Issue #195
This week's focus point: Dropping weight enables us to rise, to run faster, to breathe easier. In our careers and lives those “weights” are often meetings, routines, habits, colleagues, tasks, and obligations. You can't carry all your old baggage and weights, else you're too overburdened to move–you're pinned in place, like an insect in a museum. Marshall Goldsmith has written that “what got you here won't get you there.” David Maister has written that “we know what to do, but still don't do it.” I've written that “you must let go in order to reach out.” There are too many people who become better and better at less and less, corkscrewing themselves into the ground until they're barely noticeable on the surface. Even some beliefs and values can become weights if they're never examined and you never allow them to be challenged. I'm constantly surprised at how stupid I was two weeks ago.
Monday Morning Perspective: Sed quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes? (Who shall guard us from the guardians?) — Juvenal
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