Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/6/15
This week's focus point: When I worked in Princeton for a consulting firm early in my career, I found myself in many corporate classrooms teaching the details of decision making in business. I was in my 20s, and pointed out to a group one day, logically I thought, that you can't make a decision based on investing more resources than you had available. “What would you call that phenomenon?” asked a participant. “Bankruptcy,” I said, without thinking. That's what's happening in Greece. You can't expect the government to support you to your desired preferences when you evade taxes or lobby for reduced taxes. The same applies to how our own businesses support us. That's why top-line revenue generation is key for growth. I believe in abundance. But that means I can always make another dollar while I can't make another minute. The emphasis here is on MAKE another dollar, not TAKE another dollar.
Monday Morning Perspective: Thirty percent of the people love life and fear death. Thirty percent of the people prefer death and avoid life. Thirty percent of the people fear both life and death. Only ten percent of the people have the wisdom to accept both life and death as facts, and simply enjoy the dance of existence. — Tao of Leadership
Book Proposal Sprint: Join a small group which will develop a book proposal submitted to agents and publishers within 60 days of start. We begin early September. Last group: 4 agents, 3 publisher discussions, 2 contracts in the ensuing 60 days. Write me: [email protected]
Pre-publication offer: Personalized copies of Million Dollar Maverick and 25th anniversary edition of Million Dollar Consulting, both due next year, large discount:
Abundance: Stop worrying whether or not you can do it, you can do it. You can always make another dollar, but you can never make another minute: