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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/14/15

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/14/15

It was 14 years ago that a client manager, Leon Rawitz, and I decided to drive back from LA when we realized planes might not fly again for weeks. We drove back in 2.5 days to the east coast, spending a brief night in Denver and in Charleston, West Virginia, where we parted ways and he went south, I north. We had a dollar gas station map (no GPS) and his cell plugged into a car charger. We watched thunderstorms in the Rockies, the vast expanse of the flat midwest, and the bustle of morning rush hours in the larger cities. We talked about philosophy, business, religion, finance, and the great ambiguity surrounding us. We contact each other today on the anniversary, and I've given him the tattered map, framed, with our journey highlighted. I am deeply saddened to this day by the misery and loss of 9/11.

But here we are, carrying on, as individuals and a country, in freedom and with optimism. We should remember that, when we are angry that a client won't return a call, we don't get the room we want, or someone cuts us off on the road. We are not what's done to us, we are who we can be.

TThe degree to which ambiguity can be tolerated determines the amount of difficulty the individual can, and is willing to, meet and overcome in coping with the problems of human life and in taking advantage of the opportunities life has to offer.
— John D. Ingalls in Human Energy

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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