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Allow Me to Save You Some Money

Allow Me to Save You Some Money

I'm in LA for Christmas, and I have two ways for you to save money.

First, do NOT see the film “Maestro.” This is purportedly the biography of Leonard Bernstein, the musical genius composer and conductor. It stars and was directed by Bradley Cooper, which is the immediate problem, since he chews the scenery without any directorial advice. The film over-focuses on Bernstein's marriage (he was notoriously bisexual) and Carey Mulligan is terrific as his wife. But Cooper (who was fabulous in “A Star Is Born” with Lady GaGa) decides to have a cigarette constantly in his mouth for the entire movie (none of which, oddly, ever becomes smaller), has actors deliberately talk over each other, and omits Bernstein's flirtation with the Black Panthers in his multi-million dollar residence, his failed opera, his failed compositions, and so forth.

Strangely, it's nominated for a ton of awards by the cognoscenti, but it's basically an insufficient biography of a fascinating musical giant that allows Cooper to try to be King Lear. And that doesn't end well.

Second, do NOT go to the Museum of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which had the aesthetics and ambiance of a parking garage (which it truly resembles). We found two fascinating exhibits, one on “Casablanca” and one on “The Godfather,” but the rest isn't worth the price of admission or the wandering around. I don't know who designed it or chose the exhibits—it's obviously backed by big money—but it was hugely disappointing.

And finally, the good news: A few minutes from the museum are the La Brea Tar Pits, and that is well done and fascinating, with great exhibits, and tar still gurgling up to the surface!

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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