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An Opportunity for Another Blog Post

An Opportunity for Another Blog Post

When I was in New York for a few days this past week I found almost everyone cheerful: redcaps, doormen, restaurant captains and servers, Uber drivers, hot dog venders, sales people, receptionists, and police officers. There was no bemoaning what they've been through, just gratitude for being “back” and optimism about the future.

I think success is about talent and mindset, equally. If you're optimistic, you see events and situations as having potential for you. If you're pessimistic, you seem them all as threatening. You either charge forward, or you hide.

“This is such a crowded market,” bemoaned one of my coaching clients trying to build a practice in leadership. “Yes,” I admitted, “which is terrific, because competition opens markets. it means there's a great need for the service.”

This person didn't get that. But I do.

And you should, too.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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