No Shine, No Tie, No Paper?
We were in Charlotte yesterday changing planes to come here to Las Vegas, and I noticed an old-time shoe shine place with three men awaiting customers for six seats. I realized I don't even see single shoe shine men anymore,
You Can Fool All of the People All of the Time, Sometimes
I'm guessing that about 90% of the statistics thrown around on social media are simply made up: "Over 90% of workers in large businesses are alienated and disengaged." "Most people leave companies because of toxic environments." And on and on
Do “Thought Leaders” Have More Thoughts than Others?
You can't proclaim yourself a "thought leader" any more than you can proclaim yourself a "genius" or an "icon." (Well, I guess you can, but you'd be pretty ridiculous.) These honors are bestowed by others who have succeeded and advanced
Bird Lessons
We went to a falconry experience in Vermont a few days ago, and I learned how intelligent and beautiful these birds of prey are. They can lift about half of their own body weight, and they have to eat anything
Swampland Full of Alligators Is Actually an Excellent Investment
Scams don't just arise from individuals hoping to take advantage of others. Here's a social media ad from a major investment house which also advertises widely on TV: This is pure nonsense. You're not going to conventionally retire in the US
Is This Medicine for Back Pain or Blurry Vision?
I was worried these were signs of aging, but my kids are also complaining: • Medicine directions that require a flashlight and magnifying glass to read. • Hotel rooms with lamps that each have a unique on/off procedure. • Elevator lobbies where you
True Issues
We all know there are serious emotional and psychological problems among some people, and we all know (I hope) that there are some work environments that range from unpleasant to horrible. However, I'd also point out that these two phrases are
And How Do You Really Feel?
A "mental health issue" is NOT when someone is momentarily confused, or doesn't perform well, or is uncomfortable in certain surroundings. A mental health issue IS when someone on social media uses a lengthy string of obscenity because someone disagrees
There Is No Crying in Poker
You have to play the hand you're dealt as well as you can. It may not be a great hand, but you still have options. One thing I'll guarantee: Whining about it will not help. Life is often unfair. Move on.