How is it that the birds here seem to thrive in the winter? They have zero protection, maybe a rudimentary nest or tree notch, snow covers the grass, winds whip through the vegetation under icy conditions. But they make it
An Abundance of….
We had four inches of snow overnight while the media weather gurus were, of course, predicting much more, and schools were closing, pickups delayed, deliveries postponed, and so forth. A lot of people cancelled important appointments and meetings, and businesses
Web Site or Blog?
Your web site is for others' investigation. Your blog is for your instigation.
High Tech/High Touch
I'm wondering how many marriages have been saved by GPS, with no more fights over stopping to ask for directions. Seems to me it should be part of the wedding vows: "To have and hold, to use GPS, in sickness
Losing Touch
I always loved stick shift (manual transmission) driving. Real sports cars had only manual transmissions. But when Ferrari gave them up, I gave up on Ferraris. Anyone can simply push the pedal to the floor, and tapping paddle shifters is embarrassing
Go Out? Why Would I Want to Go Out?
Inevitably, people are adjusting to Covid and restrictions with such flexibility that you're going to see people complaining about more lifestyle changes as the pandemic abates. Nothing wrong with that. It's called resilience. And kids are the most resilient of all.
Routines are highly important to center you and create motivation. Here's an example: Start your day with some small "victory," like a new breakfast prepared or a faster run. Organize the day around a maximum of three personal and/or professional
The Screaming Sellers
I love the videos of the guys (it's never women, only men) striding across a stage, shouting into a mike, telling people how to "sell." They always seem on the verge of a heart attack or some kind of spasm.
Simple Questions
Are you trying to help people or trying to make a sale? Are you offering value or just trying to make money? Those aren't hard questions, but they separate the successful from the unsuccessful, the excellent marketers from the "multi-level" marketers.
Anyone There?
The old excuse that you can't market because "no one is around at the holidays" doesn't hold much water when no one has been around since March! Procrastination is a fear, not a career.