Standing in the Wind
We have 40 MPH winds today, and I'm watching large trees bend in the breeze. Of course, that's how they became large trees.
Light and Dark
If you write one page a day—300 to 400 words, perhaps—in one month you'll have 30 pages, or an ebook. In five months you'll have a book manuscript (about 65,000 words). Of course, in just two weeks you'd have a
Maybe that Light Means We’re OUT of the Tunnel
Every morning I receive email with about a dozen categories from the New York Times (national, international, arts, sports, opinion, etc.) and perhaps three story headlines in each with the opening paragraphs. Of the 30+ articles, there are usually at least 20
The Rhode Island vaccination program makes a train wreck seem desirable. The state is 55th out of 50 in its distribution efficiency and percentage of the population vaccinated. So I've had to look elsewhere. For a week or so, Walgreens' web
I love it when someone wise guy points out an exception to a point I'm making. Since it's an exception—a minority occurrence or even a rare one—then it simply proves the rule is effective almost all the time. We're tearing down
How is it that the birds here seem to thrive in the winter? They have zero protection, maybe a rudimentary nest or tree notch, snow covers the grass, winds whip through the vegetation under icy conditions. But they make it
An Abundance of….
We had four inches of snow overnight while the media weather gurus were, of course, predicting much more, and schools were closing, pickups delayed, deliveries postponed, and so forth. A lot of people cancelled important appointments and meetings, and businesses
Web Site or Blog?
Your web site is for others' investigation. Your blog is for your instigation.
High Tech/High Touch
I'm wondering how many marriages have been saved by GPS, with no more fights over stopping to ask for directions. Seems to me it should be part of the wedding vows: "To have and hold, to use GPS, in sickness
Losing Touch
I always loved stick shift (manual transmission) driving. Real sports cars had only manual transmissions. But when Ferrari gave them up, I gave up on Ferraris. Anyone can simply push the pedal to the floor, and tapping paddle shifters is embarrassing