Moving Up
The more you feather your nest, the more likely you'll never leave it, and all nests are eventually destroyed.
Want to Begin Your Day Positively?
Reach out to someone who has a problem, or needs help, or is confused and offer them your support, or even merely best wishes.
Can You Accept This Or Not?
When you're confident, you view criticism of yourself and your beliefs with security and perspective. You don't let it bother you. You change what needs to be changed and ignore the irrelevant. When you're insecure and have low esteem, such criticism
Morning Regimen
I have found that listening to the TV news first thing in the morning is far more depressing than it is informative. That's not the way I want to start my day.
The Patriots win all the time, often at the very end of the game after being down, because they never loose their cool. The don't panic. The get down to business. They trust themselves. Questions?
You know, if you're going to church, and there's someone on the opposite side of the road waiting to pull into the lot for the same Mass, and you don't stop to allow that person to cut across traffic, you
There’s A Reason It’s Called a TREADmill
I love instructors in the gym who dance on the treadmills. They spin and turn and jump at pretty good speeds. I'm waiting for one of them to shoot off of it like a comet, hitting someone doing sit-ups across
Free To Be You And Me
It's a frightening thought for some to consider that they are actually not victims unless they allow themselves to be, in which case they forfeit freedom and power.
Welcome to 2018
What are you doing differently or better (or eliminating entirely) as of today?
If two people in a hundred complained to you about something the other 98 liked, I'd simply ignore them. If one person in a hundred is the only one to do six figures of business with you after something you've done,