I increasingly deal with people who just want to get the problem off their desk and onto someone else's. They don't want to be bothered with work, and customers just get in the way of trying to be totally unproductive.
We are a blasé bunch. We arrogantly ignore the airline safety announcements while we tend to the vital matters on our smart phones and iPads. Yet in every photo I've seen of people on that flight with the blown engine,
The Power of Absence
Jumping on a bandwagon is not a good idea. I'd rather watch it race by, out of control, until it crashes in a ditch. I'm thinking of bitcoin, or multi-level marketing (Ponzi schemes), or pet rocks, or all those derivative
Anyone? Not so much….
The bromide is that "anyone can make an error" or "it could happen to anyone." I've noticed a different phenomenon. When I receive requests for some kind of dispensation (I missed the deadline, but; I don't really qualify, but; I know
Please Read Before Disregarding
Inevitably, whenever I launch or begin something that requires conformance to some rules I'll receive a communication that begins: "First, let me tell you why I've not followed your instructions
What the %&&^#>!!
You want to curse when you bang your thumb with a hammer, good for you. I do it, too. You need to vent. If you're an Atlanta Falcon fan, and you were caught up in expletives as the Patriots used
I am not making this up. I have arranged my life so that I never have to stand in lines at the post office, with one exception: I need my tax remittances sent certified mail and, therefore, stamped by the postal
Read the Writing on the Barn Wall
A guy on Facebook said the other day that he didn't read newspapers or listen to or watch the news. He figured if something were important enough, someone would tell him. (He was unaware of the US/North Korean proposed talks.) He
Take A Break
After four days without power, crews show up at our house from Kentucky. Six trucks, park on the long driveway, three trees are cut down, a pole is replaced, and about five hours later the electricity, wifi, and cable are
They Shyster Is Coming to Town
Another conman is coming to town. He's advertising all over the radio that you can attend his "free" seminar (seating is very limited), receive a "free" copy of his book, and learn right there how to "flip houses to make