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Alas Babylon

We ought to stop kidding ourselves about “glass ceilings.” The real problem is “glass walls,” and women (and minorities) don’t seem to get it. Organizations have promoted women and minorities into the donjon, the inner sanctum, but only in areas of

This is a non-partisan article, spawned by campaign rhetoric that should be making most of us queasy, including people who build McMansions and claim they are the champions of ending "two Americas." This is from Investors Business Daily of a

Immediately after the horrible bridge collapse in Minneapolis, I began receiving blast emails from PR firms advising me that “experts are wanted” for media interviews. Apparently, we were to apprise the PR firms of our availability, because psychologists, grief counselors,

Our pond here is about two acres, fed by a small river, with an outlet over a waterfall that leads to the bay a half-mile away. Today, alone, aside from the usual geese and ducks, we had a double-breasted cormorant,