Victimization As An Art Form
I’ve belonged to Mensa (they claim to be the top 2% of IQ in the general population) for a long time so that I can debunk their claims from the inside. This is approximately as hard as predicting that the
Notice to Otis
Everything below is true, absolutely true. My wife and I had to attend a board meeting of the ballet Monday evening. It was held in offices at Textron, a Fortune 500 company, headquartered in Providence. The ballet board president is
No smoking, some peanuts, partial nudity, chilled Pellegrino, please
The latest self-absorbed manifesto is that airlines should be forced to stop showing movies with violence just in case someone’s child may glance up at the screen and be damaged for life. Apparently, some people in Congress are actually considering
At the Emmy Awards %$**&%
At the Emmy Awards the other night, Katherine Heigl, an actress on “Grey’s Anatomy” who won an award for supporting actress, managed to say “s _ _ t” when her name was announced—she said it to her mother, of all
Glass Walls
We ought to stop kidding ourselves about “glass ceilings.” The real problem is “glass walls,” and women (and minorities) don’t seem to get it. Organizations have promoted women and minorities into the donjon, the inner sanctum, but only in areas of
Ecologic Change or Fall?
For the past several years we've had less fish in the large pond than ever before, and those remaining are quite small fish. There is evidence that one of our two very big snapping turtles has died. We also have
Poor Is Relative
This is a non-partisan article, spawned by campaign rhetoric that should be making most of us queasy, including people who build McMansions and claim they are the champions of ending "two Americas." This is from Investors Business Daily of a
Closet Compulsion
I am a practicing heterosexual. I’ve been in the rest room of O’Hare Airport between flights and been propositioned by men. Of course, I’ve also been propositioned by men at the bars of some of the best restaurants in New
Good Thing Those Transfats Are Gone
I was out on my errands today and realized it was lunch time and I was famished. However, it was teeming more than Noah could imagine, and I was dressed in raggedy shorts and a tee-shirt. Fine dining was out.
Andy Warhol Rolls in His Grave
Here is just one verbatim excerpt from another PR "expert" apprising all of those on her mailing list (and anyone she can find—I never asked to be on her list and never heard of her before, so this is spam)