Survey Says….
IBM's recent Global Chief Executive Officer Study, a biennial survey claimed to be of more than 1,500 CEOs (cited in Consultants News, Kennedy Information, Peterborough, NH: [email protected]) reveals that these people have three primary "imperatives" on their minds: 1. Embody creative
It’s Not Always Relative
I once had to yell at 20 very powerful newspaper publishers in a strategy retreat organized by the American Press Institute that the Holy Grail of the First Amendment did NOT forgive them for sloppy and stupid management. Defending and
More on Value versus Price
I received this email earlier today: Hi Alan, Thought you would like to know that you have been quoted in a response by Michael Wyland on an ASAE list serve (posted below if you are interested). Michael did an excellent job about why comparing
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) Buddy Beagle was barking (that nutty howl/bark that only Beagles do)
Value Based fees from Australia’s Chief Justice
Courtesy of Australian consultant Gary McMahon, one of my avid followers in one of my favorite places in the world, here is a short clip of the Austrian Supreme Court Chief Justice telling what appears to be a stunned legal
Leaving On A Jet Plane (And He Won’t Be Back Again)
Remember John Denver's song? I have a modern version. A colleague who was coaching in a large, complex organization, found out that the president required coaching, but that he needed someone accustomed to top level executives, and not someone working with
Three Keys to A Successful Consulting Practice
There are three basic areas in which you can improve your practice's performance immediately: 1. Top-line growth. The more business you bring in, the more profit should ensue (see #2 and #3 below). The most dynamic tactic for top-line growth: Thought
Subcontractors Increasingly Popular
From the April 26 issue of Consultants News from Kennedy Information ( Additionally, in order to curb the healthcare and retirement costs that often form a large portion of the total, many firms altered their workforce mix to a contractor-heavy model
Summary of Canadian Study
Here are some survey findings released by the CMC-Canada Industry Study 2009 in an executive summary. There is no date on the copy that I have. Nor is there a number of how many consultants were asked to reply and
A Consultant’s Advice to Non-Profit Boards
My wife and I are veterans of a dozen arts and charity boards, and herein some free advice from a world-class consultant: 1. Do not allow people to serve on the board who simply want the position on their résumé. Members