Abandoning Brilliance
Today’s Wall Street Journal excerpted a piece from Time Magazine that’s frightening: “How High-IQ Kids Are Neglected in School” details how U.S. schools spend $8 billion annually on educating mentally retarded students, but only about $800 million on high-achieving
Strength and Cereal
I was staying at a Marriott where a client had placed me, in the middle of the country somewhere. The club floor was quite nice, and I was having some hors d’oeuvres and a drink when a fellow walked in
Victimhood (Yet Again)
A group in Africa asked if I would speak at what they claim is the first multi-national consulting conference they were trying to hold. I told them I would, that the fee was $25,000, payable in advance, due at least
To Live Large, Think Big
If you want to live large, you have to think big. That’s irrefragable. As consultants, we can’t simply respond to a prospect’s arbitrary request for an alternative. We have to seek the true objective and provide better alternatives. If there is as much
Being Rich Is Not Being Wealthy
You can always create more money, but you can never create more time. The key to real wealth is the ability to create and allocate discretionary time. The freedom to work or play, laugh or sing, rejoice or grieve, as we
Fernando (And Why Being Is Not Becoming)
I’m at the National Speakers Association convention in San Diego. After arriving four hours late last night, I decided I’d better be there this morning for the opening general session. As the lights dimmed, we were greeted by a woman who
The Anti-Consultant
One day I’m sitting in a large manufacturing organization—Fortune 100—waiting to see a colleague about some work we’re doing for a non-profit board. I was sitting in an area of open cubicles, where you could readily see what was going
The Sorry State of the Airlines
I’m flying to San Diego, first class, on USAir. Except it’s not USAir, it’s a United airplane, because they are “code sharing.” That means that two airlines are working to fill one plane to the brim, which they have. (It
Small Business and Small Thinking
If you consult with small business owners, good luck. Usually, you won’t have to leave the owner’s office. Small business owners are their own worst enemy, because they understand the CONTENT of their endeavor, but not the PROCESS of acquiring business. There
The Thieves Amongst Us
A woman named “Mary Leo” has been writing me for two weeks trying to order 200 copies of Million Dollar Consulting. She used no signature file, poor English, and didn’t respond to rudimentary requests from me. I told her that