Instant Rejection
A great many people today respond to critique or even disagreement by "branding" the other person. They are a "bigot," a "racist," a "denier," an "Islamophobe," an "anti-Semite," a "red" or a "blue," a "neocon" or a "radical." Not everyone
Thoughts and Prayers
I understand diverse political opinion and even polarization. (I don't like it, but I understand it.) But I'm having a real problem with contempt. A great many people indicate sympathy (or even a frustration in being unable to be of more
Political Time Allocation
This is a consulting observation, not a partisan political comment: It seems to me that in the time remaining, the Democrats are far better served putting all energy, money, and repute into winning the 2020 election instead of trying to
Situational Morality
The students of Brown University are petitioning the administration to disinvest funds in any company dealing with Israel on the premise that the Palestinian people are oppressed by Israel. This, in a university named after the family of its original
Lower Than Pond Scum
There are quite a few pursuits that people engage in which really lend and add nothing to society in terms of value. One is multi-level marketing (Ponzi schemes), for example. Another is the phony demands to renew trademarks which do
Autonomously Clueless
In the highly unlikely event we become a nation of primarily autonomous vehicles, explain this to me: Will they be programmed in strict adherence to the speed limits? In other words, will city driving be strictly at 25 MPH or
I’ve Met the Enemy and…
If a company spends 70% of its time on internecine warfare and 30% on customers, it will fail competitively. The same holds true for a country where the politicians spend 70% of their time at each other's throats and 30% on
Yeah, But I Don’t Like This Person and I Liked the Last One
Whether city, state, or federal, and whether Democrat or Republican, I think it's pretty funny when someone blames the current administration for some problem that also existed under prior administrations of the other party! Talk about selective prosecution!
The Stupidity Around Vaccinations
After all the evidence and all the scientific research, anyone with children who refuses to vaccinate them—and thereby endanger hundreds of other people as well as their own kids—ought to be arrested for child abuse.
There’s Not Necessarily A Monster Under the Bed
When you feel a business practice isn't fair, or can be improved, that doesn't mean it's a "scam" or "conspiracy" or some crime targeted at you. When you start believing that, and then extrapolating it ("Big business is taking over,"