Joining the Underground
I can understand how hard it is to restore power after a storm. I appreciate the endless work that the crews put in over many weeks. What I can't understand is why the power companies are stuck in contingent action and
Things Ain’t So Bad
The world is still not perfect, nor will it ever be. There is plenty of room for improvement. Having acknowledged those facts, I'd also submit this about the US and elsewhere: • Unemployment is really at zero (under 5% is chronic). •
Comedic Descent
We watched Chris Rock's new HBO special last night, "Tambourine." It was about 500% more vulgar than anything I've seen him do, and it was less funny than anything I've seen him do. It was extremely therapeutic, I'd guess, because
It’s Not Just How You Play the Game
Is it just a little ironic that you seldom see chauvinism, jingoism, and xenophobia expressed as much as at the Olympics? And then there's the US speed skater who tweeted complaints that he wasn't chosen to carry the flag. Get a
I Like to Lead When I Dance
I basically read social media, particularly Facebook, to understand how well balanced and emotionally healthy I am (and that I'm not paranoid). On Linkedin, somebody is trying to demonstrate that driverless cars will take over in the near future. (Of
I Didn’t Hear the Earthquake, Did You?
Would someone like to explain how Steve Wynn pays over $7 million to a manicurist he raped, setting up a shell company for the sole purpose of making that payment, and NO ONE comes forward to report this behavior in
And Here, Now, The News
I'm sitting in Palm Springs, California, watching the early morning news (News Channel 3, which is the ABC affiliate). A succession of street reporters standing in the early morning darkness report stories which don't require them to be on the
What’s Your Story?
I'm as guilty of this as anyone. There are some people whose interests absolutely put me to sleep or move me to violence. I develop a bad tic when I hear about computer backups, golf, or any kind of running,
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of the mind than state of the Union. The Christmas Tree in the rotunda of the state house died about a week ago. It made the New York Times. (Under our former Dolt of A Governor, Lincoln
Help Me, I’m Melting
I've been hearing "Frosty the Snowman" about a hundred times so far this season, by perhaps 20 different singers. I finally listened closely. I'm wondering how long before we have to include a female or transgendered person in the mix. The