What’s Your Story?
I'm as guilty of this as anyone. There are some people whose interests absolutely put me to sleep or move me to violence. I develop a bad tic when I hear about computer backups, golf, or any kind of running,
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of the mind than state of the Union. The Christmas Tree in the rotunda of the state house died about a week ago. It made the New York Times. (Under our former Dolt of A Governor, Lincoln
Help Me, I’m Melting
I've been hearing "Frosty the Snowman" about a hundred times so far this season, by perhaps 20 different singers. I finally listened closely. I'm wondering how long before we have to include a female or transgendered person in the mix. The
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of the mind than a state of the union. It has snowed in these parts for at least 10,000 years. Yet every winter, a disproportionate amount of time is spent by the media on snow,
If You Don’t Agree With Me There’s Something Wrong With You
It's fine to tell someone you think they're wrong about an issue, and demonstrate why you feel that way with evidence and reasoning. It's not fine to tell someone they're damaged just because they don't agree with you ("You don't get
The Burden of History
There is some kind of ignorant movement out there to remove Gone With the Wind, book and movie, from circulation, because they portray racist attitudes of the past. Indeed they do, which is why they are valuable as both art and history.
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of mind than a state of the union. There are about 66 school districts in Rhode Island. There are about 74 in Florida. Rhode Island has about one million people, Florida has about 20 million
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of the mind than a state of the union. People in Rhode Island give directions based upon landmarks that no longer exist. For example, if you ask for the location of a new restaurant, you'll
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of mind than a state of the union. People here have vacation homes—45 minutes from their regular homes. They tend to return for their mail, shuttle back and forth, no need to pack much. Most
RIO: Rhode Island Oddities
Rhode Island is more a state of mind than a state of the union. When I stop to allow another car to cross in front of me, across traffic, the driver hesitates. Okay, perhaps that's prudent. So, I blink my lights.