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Coffee, Cause, and Coincidence

Coffee, Cause, and Coincidence

The owner of the local coffee shop has never been able to master the modern cash register he purchased about a year ago when the old one broke down. He simply charges me a round number, like $4, and tucks the money away. I have no idea what he does about taxes. All of his employees can work the register perfectly.
Yesterday, once again ignoring the machine, he told me proudly that the manufacturer had to declare bankruptcy, and is going out of business. He was quite smug about this. I'm assuming he believes that the company failed because the registers are too hard to learn to operate. It made his day and I didn't bother to question the logic.
He makes good coffee!
By the way, in consulting, cause and coincidence are not the same thing, right? Even if you make good coffee.
Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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