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Nantucket Confidential

Nantucket Confidential

Had my martini with blue-cheese-stuffed olives at the bar last night, with
Mitch doing honors once again. (You can see Mitch in the August, 2008
postings of Nantucket Journal here on the blog.)

We had the chef's eight-course tasting menu at Topper's which, even with
half-portions, was huge. The sommelier, whom I've trusted for many years,
discussed a price, as is our habit, and then his task is to delight me. He
chose a fantastic 1999 Shafer Cab, so outstanding that the lovely,
non-drinking Maria decided to drink, that's how good it was. (And that's how
I wound up with half my usual imbibing!)

I wrote out on the deck from 6:30 to 7:30 or so this morning, sipping coffee
and watching a flock of cormorants fly in formation over the lawn. After
breakfast al fresco on the restaurant's deck, we headed across the dunes.

Once again the beach was mostly deserted. Tonight we'll fire up the car and
head into town for The Pearl.

My newest book, Thrive!, is complete and I'm editing the chapters, something
I don't normally do, but I'm planning something special for this book.

© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • Jim Bradford

    August 19, 2009

    Beautiful pictures!

    After reading your posting I went to Amazon to preorder “Thrive!” but I couldn’t find it. Is it possible to preorder from the publisher?


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