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Nantucket VII

Nantucket VII

A pleasant dinner last night at Oran Mor, with an '05 Turley Zinfandel at a surprisingly good price. I had octopus followed by duck! Then, back at the ranch, an 1870 Madeira with a cigar on the terrace.

We'll lounge on the lawn today, have lunch, then head back for the ferry and the mainland. We only spend a long week here every August, but it's somehow like we've never left. It's interesting to be able to visit the same places each year while also trying a variety of new destinations.

The photos below are a typical scene as I walked from Cold Noses, where I bought the dogs some treats, over to the restaurant where I had already parked and was meeting Maria.

The dockside scene, near the ferry.

© Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 4

  • John Shaver

    August 21, 2010

    Glad to hear that you’re a Turley fan! Helen’s brother continues to turn out great stuff. A testament to her consulting abilities.

    There was a great article about her in the July issue of Wine Spectator. She talks about how her approach is all about results. Anyone who is not absolutely, totally committed to producing the best wine on the planet should not bother to call her.

  • Alan Weiss

    August 22, 2010

    It’s he only Zin I drink, and the restaurant had a single vintage for $75. The barmaid said, “You got that right!”

  • John Shaver

    August 23, 2010

    That’s not a bad price for a restaurant.

    Believe it or not, we frequent a wine shop in Myrtle Beach, SC that always has Turley Not only the zin but a petite syrah as well. Turley is the last thing you would expect to find in the “Redneck Riviera”.

  • Alan Weiss

    August 24, 2010

    I’ve paid in the hundreds for Turley.

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