Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/25/2024
I’m finishing my newest book, Building Dynamic Communities: Creating an evergreen client ecosystem. I have about 20 pages left to write to meet my commitment of 150. I received the contract from my publisher on February 1 which stipulated an August 1
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/18/2024
I’ve written before about the distinctions of dogs: As a species they have common traits. They can interbreed (hence, “designer dogs”), provide unconditional love, and learn simple (and sometimes complex) commands. As breeds, there are further limiting distinctions. Beagles (and hounds
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/11/2024
V VG H K GF LR A9 MSC W TN S SS SF P PM M F E D CN Be patient, this isn’t an IQ test or a massive software breakdown. I’ve found that people need to use personal accountability to have
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/04/2024
In 1982 John Naisbitt wrote the huge best-seller, Megatrends, ten new directions for transforming our lives. It was probably the first of its kind in terms of making disruptive predictions, and it contained the famous admonition: “high tech/high touch.” The book has been
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/26/2024
We were in a hotel in Miami this past week, and the first morning after check in the night prior I was about to shave when I realized there was no hot water. I ran the water in both sinks
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/19/2024
My birthday is approaching next month, and in May we'll go to our 60th high school reunion. I'm also working on my 60-something-ish book, and we're about to go to Florida for work and pleasure for 10 days, going to Bologna
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/12/2024
Saint Valentine lived in the Third Century and has been associated with courtly love. (He is also the patron saint of beekeepers and epilepsy, and is said to have cured people of the latter.) He was martyred by the Romans
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/05/2024
Most mornings Coco, our Cavapoo, and I take the pickup truck and go for coffee after both dogs come in from the yard at about 6:30. Royce, our Shepherd, hates riding (we have to plan carefully for his vet checkups).
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/29/2024
A woman wrote me on Linkedin, very politely, and told me that she had followed my work for several years and was very impressed. However, in visiting my site, she found that “people in a position of power were consistently
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/22/2024
Wealth had once been solely represented by land ownership. The more property one owned, the more the wealth. The land could be rented out to tenant farmers, or used to raise livestock, or to create rental housing. This is why we heard