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San Francisco

San Francisco

We just beat the storm, flying out of Boston to San Francisco. Only United's non-stops were flying, all the one-stops were cancelled. We're at the Mandarin Oriental in one of our favorite suites, with views from the Bay Bridge to the Golden Gate.

My son's and my dive with great white sharks was cancelled due to 18-foot seas. We're going to Alcatraz, instead. Last night we dined in Ozumo, very upscale Japanese, with some of the best food, and the very best cold saki, we've ever had. The place is huge, loud, and packed, great fun.

I have only my iPhone camera, so the photos above are the best I can do at the moment. Monday I'll conduct my Super Language Workshop, and Tuesday and Wednesday the Mentor Summit, which has about 70 people registered.

© Alan Weiss 2012

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 3

  • Noah

    November 8, 2012

    Can’t wait to get out there! I’m really looking forward to the Mandarin.

  • Jared Lazaro

    November 10, 2012

    Any restaurants in particular you’re interested in patronizing while in San Francisco?

    I have very fond memories of Pasha before the ownership changed hands (and subsequently drove it into the ground).

    I will never understand why someone would buy a business that is successful and then dramatically alter a good working model, but it happens more often then I care to contemplate.

    Do let me know what places you find noteworthy. It’s a great city to do good work. 🙂

  • Alan Weiss

    November 10, 2012

    There are more good restaurant here than I can report on in this space. I think the best of the best is probably Gary Danko, where I’ll be on Monday. Fleur de Lys was excellent last night, as was North Beach the night prior. Tonight we go to R&G in Chinatown.

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