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The New Product Experience


The goal is to provide the tools, expertise, access, references, resources, and support to identify, create, and launch profitable new products, with the option of a partnership with existing, successful providers.



The New Product Experience

The goal is to provide the tools, expertise, access, references, resources, and support to identify, create, and launch profitable new products, with the option of a partnership with existing, successful providers.

Basic and Advanced Objectives

Objectives with Formulation Package:

  • Rapidly and readily identify product targets of opportunity
  • Identify intellectual capital, including that which you don’t now recognize
  • Convert intellectual capital to intellectual property of high value
  • Accurately choose alternative product, media, and delivery alternatives
  • Set strong, realistic fees with huge margins
  • Create products rapidly with intelligent subcontracting when needed
  • Generate high viral awareness and increase your “reach”
  • Increase leverage and scalability
  • Utilize Market Gravity™ before, during, and after launch
  • Receive feedback on conceptualization and planning for 30 additional days

Advanced Objectives with Implementation Package:

  • Create and launch a minimum of two products within 90 days*
  • Implement a web strategy that will promote and safeguard your product
  • Have your product(s) featured on two blogs, two web sites, two newsletters
  • Receive specific product critique and feedback on each stage through launch*
  • Repurposing content for maximum media and circumstances
  • Social media platform guidance for growth
  • Introduction and favorable rates for design, video, audio, etc. as needed

Ultra Objectives with Partner Package:

  • You will receive content assistance where needed or requested
  • If you desire, product can be sold on my web site••
  • You will receive personal endorsement and testimonial, video and written*

* Providing, of course, you follow my advice and deadlines
•• Royalty arrangement favoring you
Basic and Advanced Programs

Formulation Package

  • Preparation work (estimated time to complete: 2-4 hours)
  • Private teleconference with Alan Weiss (1 hour, download included)
  • One of Alan’s products “deconstructed,” showing conception through design
  • Full-day workshop (six hours), a master class in product design
  • Phone and email consultation without limit from registration through 30 days post-workshop event
  • Organized accountability groups for further development
  • Video & audio copy of the workshop
  • Textual job aids to assist in each segment of product creation

Implementation Package

  • Includes all of Formulation Package
  • Three private podcasts on audio product development
  • Scheduled calls and design reviews for two products to completion
  • Some of the concepts we will cover in addition to how-to and hands-on:
    • Components of successful sites and their strategy and best practices.
    • Creating podcasts step by step (eBook also provided).
    • All you need to know about video creation (eBook also provided).
    • From effective blogs, to online communities, to social media and beyond.
    • How to leverage your products to create a variety of media options.
    • Create your accelerant curve and turbo charge it with proper technologies.
    • Analyze your Internet Strategic Profile, compare it to what are the most successful entrepreneurs do and then create your practical action plan to success.
  • Second teleconference with Alan Weiss (1 hour) specifically on product marketing
  • CD on creating products and passive income
  • Resource center information and introductions to graphic designer, printer, IP attorney, audio recording and duplication studio, videographer, etc.
  • Product(s), when ready, will appear in Balancing Act©, Alan’s Blog, Alan’s Workshop Announcements

Partner Package

  • Includes all of Formulation and Implementation Packages
  • Private day, one-on-one with Alan at any stage of the process needed
  • Permission to use some of Alan’s intellectual property if appropriate and/or needed, or joint creation of new intellectual property as needed
  • Tape a personal video endorsement of product, which can include my role IF you so desire
  • Creation of content and promotional materials to use in my book store

In the Partner Experience, I would receive 25% of the product revenues, and I would incur the credit card and administrative costs; you would fulfill orders. If you chose to simply have a link from my site to your secure (required) ordering page, my percentage would decrease to 20%.


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