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Sudden Death

Sudden Death

You never know when your times comes. We are not here to stick our toes in the water, we are here to make waves. Listen to Alan's fascinating story and his own close encounter.


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© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 3

  • Dave Gardner

    June 27, 2009

    How fortunate that you made the “play of the day.” I’m grateful for the outcome.
    All the best…Dave

  • Dan Weedin

    June 27, 2009

    I was watching the 50 Greatest Catches in Sports this morning as I was running on the treadmill at the gym. Sounds like you made a bigger catch than Ken Griffey Jr, Willie Mays, and Jerry Rice combined!

    Your words are so true. Last year my mother and father were eating dinner with us and my mom started choking on her food. I was able to give her the Heimlich maneuver and dislodged a large piece of broccoli. Had I not been there, I don’t think my dad could have done it. Just as you, my mom is in perfect health and has a family history of people living into their mid 90’s which gives her another 10 years or so I figure. Every day is a gift and your analogy of making waves is excellent.

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