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Thank God There’s No Canine College

Thank God There’s No Canine College

(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. —Astrological Definition)

Twice a week I take Royce into the yard around 6:30, then get his “schoolbag” with his breakfast, a toy, and his binder with his report cards, and get him into the pickup by running through the garage with him so that he takes a flying leap into the back seat. I drive for ten minutes to the K9 Academy where he attends Puppy School all day to learn socialization and walking on a leash, and so forth. There are other vehicles in line to drop off their dogs.

I pick him up again at about 4 and we get his report and “homework.” We've also run a DNA test  where we've learned of his heritage and where his relations may be right now. He's eight months old.

I have three advanced degrees and a global client list. I'm just sayin'….

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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