The Adventures of Koufax, Buddy Beagle, and Alan
I was having dinner in Newport a while back with Chad Barr, the technical genius behind all of my web presence He observed that I don’t so much create stories, as stories really come to me.
This morning, after my workout, I stopped at my usual coffee shop and on the way home was waiting at a light with the top down. A car pulls alongside and I vaguely recognize a man from my church.
“I didn’t get the point of the cartoon this morning,” he yelled, “it went right over my head.” As I tried to recall today’s cartoon and explain it, the light changed and everyone started honking.
The point today is that Gus, the junkyard dog, likes the fringe benefits of his job, the main one of which is his partner, Gretchen. (Gretchen also smokes cigars and has a chain collar, and one may assume they’re quite simpatico.)
For the latecomers to the Friday Funnies, Koufax and Buddy have a variety of friends, including:
Gus, who works at the junkyard and often offers Koufax “merchandise.”
Ralph the Rabbit, who pays Koufax protection money in the form of bones.
Eddie Eagle, who’s distraught since Oprah left television and is having difficulties with Fish & Game cutbacks.
The Pompous Poodle, whom Koufax adores but Buddy detests.
The dyslexic Labrador retriever who thinks he’s God and not a dog.
The police dog who impresses Buddy but embarrasses Koufax.
Mona, a horse, which Buddy believes is a very large dog.
Two dozen squirrels who are in the cast, of whom 18 are active, 3 are out on vacation, and 3 are on disability (but expected to fully recover).
© Alan Weiss 2011. All rights reserved