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The Case of the Yellow Toner

The Case of the Yellow Toner

My HP printer tells me when one of the toners is low and gives me the option to click on a reorder button which delivers the toner in about a week. The problem (for HP) is that if I take 30 seconds to go to Staples online, the toner is slightly cheaper and they deliver it the next day.

What is digital transformation, that phrase everyone loves to toss around and means virtually nothing by itself? I'll tell you what it isn't: It's not the use of technology to do only half the job, informing me of a need, but then being inadequate to meet the need better than a competitor. I remember when people would say, “It's Miller time, let's go get a Bud.”

Speed is as important as content today so long as quality isn’t significantly diminished. Are you a cheetah or a ground sloth?

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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