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Throwing Stones

Throwing Stones

The morning newspapers are either extolling President Trump's visit to London, or damning him. It depends on their editorial positions. They're not reporting the news, they're “interpreting” the news to suit their politics.

Ron Howard, the esteemed director, is now doing a documentary on Pavarotti, to show the “low side” of his life as well as the high.

No wonder that many true, outstanding artists and celebrities crave their privacy, and that good people choose not to run for public office. We've become a nation of rock throwers, scurrying through ancient yearbooks and artifacts to try to find something shameful in others' adolescent lives. The country reminds me today of a professional association I know of where they seek to make every member as successful as their least successful member.

In other words, let's cut down those who grow higher than the rest of us. (In Australia, the “tall poppy syndrome.”) Well, cut away, or try to, but don't expect society to move forward based on mediocrity, critics, and resentment. And if you throw a rock at me, expect a missile fired back. Try to catch that.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Chris Law

    June 6, 2019

    We saw the Pavarotti documentary earlier this week, and the sound-bite interviews on morning talk shows can’t do justice to the actual film. Once you’ve seen it, I doubt you’ll think of Ron Howard as throwing rocks. Overall, it was more like throwing a great tribute.

    One of the things he said on CBS was that they designed the documentary to run like an opera, and that comes across really well. What kind of opera would it be without something bad happening? No drama, no great story.

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