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The ferocious profanity we see on social media, particularly on X, against the political “other side” is indicative of powerlessness. These outbursts, which demean the writers more than their targets, are the last resort of people who feel they've been ignored, haven't had their “way” in the process, and must vent. So they make everyone and anyone whom they think is the “other side” the object of their vituperation. They probably would never do this in person unless they felt most others present agreed with them.

In most cases they haven't even tried to exercise power: They haven't attended meetings, haven't donated money, don't listen to and debate the opposition (they merely call them names), and many of them don't even bother to vote!

So the conspiracy-advocates, those who believe professional sports and elections are “rigged,” and those who spew toxic hate at people who disagree with their positions…..that's the degree of real mental illness we have in society, brought to the surface and exacerbated by the platforms provided by social media.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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