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Who’s Pushing Your Buttons?

Who’s Pushing Your Buttons?

Let's face it, there are people who “get to you.” Their presence puts you on edge, and tends to alter your behavior for the worse.

There are the passive-aggresives who seek to undermine with faint praise; the bullies who try to bring you down to their own level of insecurity; the critiquers who know they can't reach your level of success and take “shots” at you; and the self-appointed experts who provide you with unsolicited and unhelpful advice.

The remedy will save a lot of stress. Be cognizant of who they are and expect consistently poor behavior from them when you're forced to be with them (as in family members or co-workers). Calm yourself. Don't feel as if a response is merited. Ignoring these people is the same as pushing bamboo shards under their fingernails. Continue your valuable life. Move on. They're debris on the windshield, so hit the wipers.

Three “Cs.” See what a difference they'll make.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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