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Work and Play

Work and Play

I've encouraged people to use their personal hobbies and passions in their work. For example, if you play an instrument, use the metaphors in your web presence and collateral: “harmony, off-key, pitch perfect,” etc. If you're a tennis player, there are “smashes and lobs, close to the net, working the baseline” (or so I'm told!).

I've just posted scores of pictures from our safari here and elsewhere on social media and the response has been fantastic. Become on object of interest to others, show your “complete self.”

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • René Vidal

    September 11, 2018

    As hackneyed as the word “authenticity” has become,
    It’s still the name of the game along with “authentic value.”

    You provide both and it’s not far fetched to assume you also have a “big serve.”

    Is this work or play?

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