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A Different View

A Different View

• Posting “profound” quotes from some respected source doesn't make the poster profound.

• When celebrities are asked whom they would invite to a dinner party, the responses are often obscure authors and philosophers who I believe are conjured up just to impress the reader.

• Why do people put MA after their names (indicating a masters degree)? I once thought they were all from Massachusetts and wondered why they would indicate that.

• Showing me an empty venue where you will be speaking is not quite as impressive as participants raving about what you did there.

• Reporters defaulting in interviews to, “Can you tell us how you fee about what you've been through?” is just lazy, like summarizing with, “Time will tell.”

• If you use a teleprompter for 30 minutes you're a newsreader, not a “journalist.”

• Sports cars have stick shifts.

• Using “they” for an individual is just confusing. Why not just use the person's name? (“They didn't like the event.” Who, a person, the family, the company, the hotel staff?)

• Why am I hysterical and forgiving when my dog steals my lunch?

• Is our economy really going to be powered by sports betting?

• Battleships quickly became obsolete in WW II after Pearl Harbor, in favor of aircraft carriers. Today, those carriers are obsolete in a world of drones, missiles, submarines, and electronic warfare.

• It's refreshing that no one is complaining about celebrity award-winners and victorious athletes thanking God for being in the position they're in. I was awaiting a demand that broadcasters “bleep” out the references.

• Caitlin Clark is the highest impact player in all of sports right now. Brava!!

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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