Alan Weiss Named Fellow of IMC at Reno, Nevada Conference
October 27, 2009
For Immediate Release
Summit Consulting Group
800/766-7935 (401/884-2778
[email protected]
Alan Weiss of East Greenwich, RI was designated a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants yesterday in Reno, Nevada. This distinguished and rare appointment is made by the board of directors and recognizes unique and globally recognized contributions to the consulting profession over a lengthy period of time.
The ceremony took place at the annual consulting convention, Confab, where Weiss was also the keynote speaker for the fourth time. Over 300 consultants attended the event. IMC chair Drumm McNaughton introduced Alan Weiss as “one of the most original thinkers in our profession.” He is the 47th Fellow named in the 40-year history of the award.
Weiss has written more books on solo consulting than any author in history. His best-seller (of his 35 books in 9 languages) is Million Dollar Consulting now in its fourth edition after 17 years, also appearing in Chinese and Russian. He pioneered the concept of value based fees for consultants in the early 90s, freeing the profession from the restrictions of hourly billing. The New York Post has cited him as “one of the most highly respected independent consultants in the country,” and he has traveled to 58 nations.
He is the only non-journalist to ever receive the American Press Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and only the seventh such recipient in its 60-year history. He is a member of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame®, and is one of only two people ever selected as both a Fellow of the IMC and Hall of Fame member. He has served on a half-dozen boards, including Chair of the Newport International Film Festival, and is currently on the board of GAMM Theatre in Pawtucket, RI.
His newest book, Thrive!, will be published in December. He resides with his wife of 41 years, Maria, and their dogs Koufax and Buddy Beagle. They have two children, who attended Moses Brown School in Providence, then Syracuse and Miami Universities, and two grandchildren in Manhattan.
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