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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/10/2020

Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/10/2020


I'm traveling from Boston to San Francisco on United, 12 of us in first class. The guy next to me is having a hard time. The flight is two hours late because of weather, which he blames on United as a conspiracy to ruin his trip. The meal he requested isn't on board. His arm rest is broken and unsteady. When we land, I have to take a call, and when I'm done I see him fuming at the carousel—his luggage didn't make it.

I follow him to the United baggage office, a tiny place with a bell on the counter, which he pounds on repeatedly. Finally, a woman I'd judge to be in her mid-60s comes out, clearly having seen every luggage problem since the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk. He launches into her, screaming that United employees have no doubt stolen his luggage and he wants to know what she intends to do about it. Finally, he exhausts himself.

She pulls her glasses down from the top of her head and says, calmly, “You know, only two of us care about your lost luggage and one of us is rapidly losing interest.”

When my luggage has been mishandled, I ask the clerk, “What can I do to help you locate it?” If I have to, I go out and buy new clothes, which I rather like doing. We all have choices in life, and it's amazing how often we deliberately choose the worst ones for ourselves because we feel unfairly treated by the fates.

Keep your fate in your own hands.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.—Amelia Earhart

Role Play Boot Camp: A small group will meet in an intense day to practice with me, and with each other, the most difficult conversations they encounter or anticipate. You’ll emerge from this prepared to handle any buying situation, request for referrals, fee conversation, and so forth, whether in person or remote. Limited seating. Contact me at [email protected]. Fee: $2,500. Date: April 23, Los Angeles. (If you attend the Getting Started session below on April 22, this fee is reduced to $2,000.)

Sentient Strategy: Learn how to market and implement a novel approach to strategy for all kinds of organizations with a minimum fee to you of $50,000 and more in my 1.5-day intensive experience. Subscribe here. Next sessions in New York City March 4-5 and LA on April 20-21.

Getting Started in Consulting and Re-energizing Your Practice: Sold out in Boston, approaching 100 people in LA, grab your seat quickly, spend six hours with me at a ridiculously low fee and gain a 1,000:1 return. Subscribe here. And I’m buying lunch!

Creating Dynamic Communities: Learn how to quickly create evangelistic communities with your clients, prospects, and others which will generate revenue continually and make you a global influencer. Subscribe here. Next week in Miami, I have 2 seats available.

Million Dollar Consulting® Convention in Sydney: Join me for the first such event ever held outside of the US. We have 84 people registered, we can only accommodate 100, and there is a special discount for people from Australia and New Zealand. I’ll also be donating 5% of gross revenues to wildlife support groups in Australia. Subscribe here. Australia is in dire need of restoring tourism and investment, join me and extend your stay.

Top Shelf with Top Gun: I’m having this top-shelf margarita which is light years better than regular margaritas. The bars keep their best liquors on the “top shelf” because there’s not that much call on them. I’ve seen barmaids who have had to use ladders to reach bottles that I couldn’t reach, either. I want to bring those top shelf items within your reach so that you can sample and apply the best also. I’m talking about:

• The language to open a meeting

• How to maximize value

• Demonstrating that you are unique in your field

• “Instant” response in the moment

• Pivoting to the sale

• Preventing fear and stress (not “managing” it)

• Creating advisory business every time

• Speaking and writing as the expert

This is a 1.5 day program that should improve your immediate business by $100,000 over the next year. The fee is $1,750. You figure out the return. Subscribe here.



Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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