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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/25/2022

Alan Weiss's Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/25/2022


We all know that repeatedly pushing an elevator button does nothing to stimulate a faster response from the distant elevator, right? It's a useless action, right?

Or is it?

It does make it feel as if you've taken action. The button, although lighted, might not have made a complete connection the first time. Maybe someone is holding the door open on another floor, and this will hasten an automated attempt to close it. We can't seem to be content to simply stand there and think for a while. Is pushing the button really perceived to be helpful, or is it an attempt to avoid spending time thinking of a tough meeting, an unpleasant email, a difficult conversation, or an intractable problem?

We're distracted when we drive or even walk down the street. Once in the elevator we watch the floors whiz by on a digital device, or studiously avoid eye contact with other people inside it. We engage or are engaged during the day, so that we don't have to spend time with our harshest critic—reviewing errors, lost opportunities, tough decisions, and sins of omission and comission—ourselves.

I like to sit or stand and think, which for me is emollient. That's how I come up with new ideas, innovative approaches, and solutions to those otherwise intractable problems. Of course, I suffer from a rather rare affliction: OCD (Optimist Completely Defiant). I've actually missed a few elevators while I was thinking so intently about some great things I wanted to do.

In that case, I'm not above taking the stairs.


The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true. —J. Robert Oppenheimer


An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out? —Rene Descartes


A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. —Winston Churchill

Return to Australia: I’ll be making my 19th trip in October, this time to Brisbane, to present a week of unique offerings from passive income and global “reach” to a new strategy approach. Join me and your peers for my latest value to grow your business and decrease your labor facing our “new realities.” There is limited seating capacity and the discounts end in just six days, before the next Monday Morning Memo! https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/australia2022/

Ferocious Time Management: I’m tired of wasting my time hearing people tell me they have no time!! In a rare appearance in San Diego, I’m going to help you ruthlessly organize yourself so that you have time to close business, deliver a remote speech, create a book outline, and learn to tame wild beasts before your lunch. Seriously, time is “elastic,” and you can stretch it to accommodate what you need to accomplish. Moreover, most people work too hard to achieve too little. Discretionary time is wealth, not money, but we’re prone to work so hard chasing money that we erode our wealth. Create greater output in a 20-hour week! alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/ferocious-time-management/ (We are videotaping this, same fee for the video.)

Return to London: I’ll be hosting a two-day, high-level discussion of likely business futures globally, financial considerations, global passive income, the new realities of sales, new approaches to strategy, and so forth. There would be a limit of eight people. I’ll also conduct a full-day experience for a larger group, probably a limit of 30, for an entire day which will address new approaches to value-based fees, the five essential short-term revenue generators, role-playing difficult conversations, the advanced Accelerant Curve, and scaling the practice. Schedule: November 29: General Session, 9 to 4. November 30 and December 1: Intimate Session, 9-4 both days. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/london/

Million Dollar Consulting® College: I’ve been asked to run this again, and I miss it, so I’m going to do it on December 13-15 (2.5 days) in Castle Hill, Newport, RI, my usual stomping grounds. The beach houses in the winter are fantastic. There’s a great holiday atmosphere that time of year. It will be on my site next week. I’ll be focusing on what I’ve seen as the critical areas for success: brand-building, accelerating referrals, provocative IP, low labor revenue focus, the post-pandemic lasting realities, and so forth. Write me to apply: [email protected]

The fee is $15,000, which includes lodging, breakfast, lunch, breaks, and one dinner. If you catch me at the bar, it could include two dinners. I’m also going to take time to show how I create this and other workshops, step by step, live or remote. If you register with me prior to June 1 the fee is $12,000. If you buy a Bentley Card before June 1, you can attend the College for free, no deduction on the card. Past grads are welcome to attend for $5,000.

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 43 countries. https://milliondollarconsultingcourse.com

Beyond Thought Leadership: Six “stars” from my community from five countries will be interviewed by me in this live, 2.5 day experience. I’ll be introducing new IP, case studies, and role-plays. And the final interview will be with me. This is one-time only, it was difficult to organize. Limited participation, in Miami in November, register now, no one else can offer this experience for your growth. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/beyond-thought-leadership/

The Don’t Attend this Workshop (Livestream): The workshop is only, amazingly, $350 . You will have a free recording to access at your convenience, as well. You may send me questions in advance if you can’t be there in person, or ask during them at the live event if you can be there. If anyone wants to attend in person, at the retreat center in my home, I’ll utilize you as a live audience, take you to lunch, and spend the afternoon in a live, group coaching session, off-camera. That fee is $2,500. If you want to drive the Rolls, the fee is $5,000, and you can’t drink at lunch! I’m going to prepare you for the New Realities in the No Normal® world. But that depends what you believe and don’t believe.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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