Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/03/2020
Welcome to the “Cowboy Mentality.” (Should that be “cowperson”?)
There are people who feel that wearing a mask is an infringement on their liberties, and that the common weal be damned, it's all people for themselves.
I'm interested that this is not generational: I've seen young people partying, middle-aged people at social gatherings, older people congregating. I held a ballet board meeting on Zoom last week that I would have much rather had in person but it's simply crazy to try. We have to make accommodation for others' safety. Some people are engaged in protest, some in exercising self-proclaimed rights, some in simple defiance.
Despite the reemergence of the virus and the debilitating effects on business, it's still too often “everyone for themselves.” We don't want to yield to excessive authority, yet we defy authority to stop our risky behavior. I say “we” because I don't want to descend into finger-pointing or shaming. I don't blame people for wanting freedom, for being unhappy being confined. But is the cost of using prudent measures all that debilitating?
I was in high school in the early 60s when I helped guide (like a dragoman) long lines of people to receive the early polio vaccine in the school gym. Everyone followed the rules, people were eager to eliminate the scourge despite the wait and some small pain. I wonder if they would have objected if they also had to wear a mask.
We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.—Cesar Chavez
We are one people; we are only family. And when we finally accept these truths, then we will be able to fulfill Dr. King's dream to build a beloved community, a nation, and a world at peace with itself.—John Lewis
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