Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/12/2019
I'm sitting in my “studio” in the house we rent on Nantucket. It's 6:30 am (writing time for me) and I'm staring at the illusory straight line where the deep blue sea meets the cerulean sky. When we sailed the Atlantic on the Queen Mary II a few years ago, that line was constant, 360° around the boat.
But when I flew the Atlantic in one of the last of the Concorde flights, at about 60,000 feet and at Mach 2, I could look down and see the curvature of the Earth. It was an existential moment.
I've always believed that we have to take a higher view, see a broader perspective. We can't do that without elevating ourselves. That doesn't mean climbing a mountain or risking our lives in some “space rocket”! It means continually educating ourselves, attempting new experiences, being unafraid to fail, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and not protective of fragile egos.
There are robins outside amidst the sprinklers in a tug-of-war with worms, rabbits guardedly munching vegetation, and seals awaiting me when I walk out into the surf in a couple of hours. We've been coming here for over 30 years, but each year I'm different and observe new things, gain new insights.
There are too many illusory straight lines we view. We need to investigate the real configuration of our lives.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. — T.S. Eliot
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