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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/14/2019

Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/14/2019


I try to play Frisbee every day that weather permits with Bentley. Not all my tosses are that great, and he'll occasionally have to retrieve the disc on the bounce or from a bush or even while it's rolling. He doesn't seem to mind, he diligently captures it and brings it back. When he's tired of the game, he goes to the shed where we keep it outside the kitchen, and waits for me there to put it away.

I don't recall him ever complaining about the errant throws.

I do recall the students I once taught in a graduate course for MBA and PhD candidates who complained that I was using class participation as 35% of their grade, but they weren't answering questions well “because my questions weren't good.”

We rely on the government, the media, the social media platforms, colleagues, friends, family, and anyone else we can conjure up to have empathy for our various problems and to help to fix them. This range, it seems to me, encompasses poor TV reception and hangnails. In the great recession of a decade ago, the banks acted foolishly and the government oversight was weak, but people were also reckless with their individual investments and spending decisions.

Maybe if we all recognized that we have the ability to assume more accountability for our lives, all of us would be considerably better off. I'm just sayin'….

When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else. — David Brin

Growth Access: This is a repository of almost all my intellectual property in text, video, audio, workshop, electronic, visual, and other forms. Beginning November 1st, I'm adding to it monthly with new material not to be found anywhere else. The one-time fee will be $5,000. But you can become a lifetime member before then for the current fee of $3,800. We estimate there is $100,000 worth of materials and experiences in the portal. Click here to subscribe.


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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