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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/19/18

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/19/18

My coaching and consulting work has consistently revealed an unhappy reality: Too many people are afraid. Those fears include:

• Losing business

• Your name or brand being tarnished

• Missing deadlines

• Being seen as an imposter (incompetent)

• Asking for money that is past due

• Asking people for referrals

Why are people afraid of these very issues which, when boldly done or dealt with or dismissed, constitute great business success? It's because they think other people are better than they are, smarter, more experienced, more powerful. They want them to provide validation, even though those others are the very ones who need or are seeking the expert help.

When people go through life with this level of low self-esteem, they are wasting their life. They make the wrong decisions about business, about relationships, about their own well-being.

They can change that right now, if they simply get some help understanding their great value, competence, and potential to help others. Why “help”? Because if they could have done this themselves, they surely would have done it by now.

You have to have the courage of your talent.

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. —Oscar Wilde

You can't compare an apple to an orange. It will cause a lot of self-esteem issues. —Craig Sheffer

Most fears of rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people. Don't base your self-esteem on their opinions. —Harvey Mackay

Major New High Value Experiences

Super Global Best Practices, London and Adelaide: I’ve gathered the best practices of entrepreneurs, boutique firm owners, solo practitioners, academicians, and authors to create a vibrant day of improved performance that will immediately increase your business results and decrease your labor intensity. I’m guessing people will be rushing out during breaks to change proposals, alter online work, and create new initiatives. AND the first five to register in the UK and Australia will be my guests for dinner!


Self-Esteem Growth: I’ve been asked to conduct this for a fourth time, this one in Washington, DC (perhaps there will be cherry blossoms). This isn’t remedial, but rather a limited-attendance, intense examination of how to improve confidence and self-worth continually, to fully realize your potential.


The Teleconference on Religion: No conversions expected, this is a friendly discourse on the origins, nature, and influence (or non-influence) of religion in today’s world. I’ll share some of my personal journey, and prompt you to consider some issues no matter what your beliefs. All proceeds will go to a local homeless shelter.


Threescore and More the Book: You can purchase this pre-publication, and gain bonuses ranging from free admission to the teleconference above to personal coaching, and even a free workshop seat in May. If you're over 50, or plan to be over 50 at some point, you must read this book about power and influence as you age.


The Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: In Boston in April this year, with luminaries such as Suzanne Bates, Chip Bell, and Dorie Clark on the main stage, as well as 12 great concurrent sessions, networking reception—and me! We already have 125 people from all over the world, register while we still have room.



Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • Justin Megawarne

    March 21, 2018

    Fear is the mind killer…

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