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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/2/18

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/2/18

This morning I took the dogs for our regular coffee run. I shut off the house alarm with a button on my key ring. I pushed another button to open the garage door. My wife had inadvertently locked the truck, so I pushed a button on the handle to open it. Then I pushed a button for my seat memory settings, and another to choose the ride setting. I then hit a button to change the radio station. Oh, yeah, and the truck uses a starter button, you don't insert a key.

We've become inured to this unconsciously competent way of life, where we mindlessly just press things to create our environment, from cooking to television programming, from food choices to surveys. But sometimes we need to program new stations, change our positioning, reorient ourselves. It's tough to do this when we're merely automatically pushing buttons, not thinking about whether they're still relevant.

Some of us are influenced and moved and directed by other people using the Internet, or using a remote device, or checking into our usage and responses behind the scenes. But I think we'd all like to maximize control of our lives.

My question to you today is this: WHO is pushing YOUR buttons?

Special note to my readers:

Easter is the holiest of the holidays for Catholics and many Protestants. It follows a time of reflection (Lent) not dissimilar from Yom Kippur in that regard. And, of course, Passover and Easter occur in proximity to each other.

No matter what your beliefs, I'd simply like to pass on Maria's and my best wishes for your lives. May pain give way to resilience, may suffering be ended, and may you appreciate the tremendous gifts you possess and that you free yourself to provide them to others.

Whether religious or secular, we need time to reflect these days. Especially those of you reading this, who live in fine countries, have excellent prospects, and are involved in positive support systems. For me, this is a time to ensure we don't simply take our blessings for granted.

In that spirit, Happy Easter and Happy Passover, from our house to yours.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. — Amelia Earhart

Thought Leadership 2018: Join me and my very special guest Charlene Li at the spectacular Four Seasons Hotel in Palm Beach along with two dozen colleagues. Ms. Li is one of the most prominent business experts and authorities in the nation, featured in all the major media. She is going to speak to us informally on her career and her views of social media and leadership. This is our ninth year presenting global luminaries in a unique, intimate setting. I have 10 seats remaining:


Super Global Best Practices: I’ve gathered the best practices of entrepreneurs, boutique firm owners, solo practitioners, academicians, and authors to create a vibrant day of improved performance that will immediately increase your business results and decrease your labor intensity. I’m guessing people will be rushing out during breaks to change proposals, alter online work, and create new initiatives.


The Threescore and More Teleconference: Based on my newest book due out in April, if you are over 50 or plan to be over 50, you need these techniques. We too often surrender control as we mature, rather than seize it and increase it. I’m 72 and on top of my game. Wouldn’t you like to be as well? (Buy the book and receive free admission, see below.)


The Teleconference on Religion: No conversions expected, this is a friendly discourse on the origins, nature, and influence (or non-influence) of religion in today’s world. I’ll share some of my personal journey, and prompt you to consider some issues no matter what your beliefs. All proceeds will go to a local homeless shelter.


Threescore and More the Book: You can purchase this pre-publication, and gain bonuses ranging from free admission to the teleconference above to personal coaching, and even a free workshop seat in May. EXPIRES APRIL 9.



Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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