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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/11/18

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/11/18

There's an old story about a new, young priest assigned to a parrish. The pastor welcomed him and asked how he was doing. “Fine, but I'm a bit bummed because someone stole my bicycle.”

The pastor empathized but said, “Treat it as an opportunity. This Sunday is your first sermon and it's on the Ten Commandments. Why not talk about them and stealing?” The new priest thought that was a great idea and prepared accordingly. That Sunday the priest gave a rousing sermon.

The pastor said, “You were wonderful! I'm just curious, though, why did you stop at the sixth commandment and not mention the seventh, ‘do not steal'?”

“Because,” said the priest, “it was about at that point when I remembered where I left my bicycle.”

Our default position is often to blame others: a spouse, parents, kids, the boss, the client, the government, strangers, the fates. The trouble is that when we do that we surrender control and abdicate our power to correct things ourselves. I've found that no matter who or what else is involved, I try to accept the challenge of using my abilities to improve things.

That doesn't help me against a thunderstorm, but it does help me retrieve my bicycle.


One person's embarrassment is another person's accountability.

—Tom Price

NOTE: These are new and won't be on my site for another week. You can register now, however, by going here to pay: https://www.alanweiss.com/store/quick-pay

2018 NEW Million Dollar Consulting® College

Dates: December 5-7

Venue: Castle Hill Inn, Newport, RI

Limited Attendance

Lodging and most meals are included.

This is an all-new version of my 14-year famed Consulting College and the first one of any kind in two years. It is three days in length with an intimate group and plenty of “air time” for everyone. And it’s in one of the great properties in the United States. I'm accepting a dozen people.

Fee is $16,000 including lodging and most meals. You will emerge with immediate new skills in attraction, conversion, implementation, and expansion of business. And you'll get 30 days of coaching by me personally afterwards. Are you a former grad? You can return to this new version for $5,000.


San Francisco Double

Dates: October 9-10

Venue: San Francisco, site to be announced

I’ve been persuaded to come to San Francisco (where I once lived) and conduct a rare double: The only opportunity to attend Super Best Practices in the United States (otherwise available only in London and Adelaide) coupled with Thinking Big, a preview of a brand new offering that is occurring in Miami in January.

So, these are one-time opportunities! The fee for the two days is $3,500.

Fee is $16,000 including lodging and most meals. You will emerge with immediate new skills in attraction, conversion, implementation, and expansion of business. And you'll get 30 days of coaching by me personally afterwards. Are you a former grad? You can return to this new version for $5,000.

NOTE: These are all new and won't be on my site for another week. You can register now, however, by going here to pay: https://www.alanweiss.com/store/quick-pay


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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