Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/25/18
The dogs and I went for coffee yesterday morning. We passed a dozen people walking their dogs at 6:30. I see every one because Bentley barks at every one. He reminds me of China, constantly extending its territorial waters. When he’s in the truck, anything he can see he regards as his turf.
Every dog walker was armed with the appropriate baggie to dispose of waste. (I’m extremely thankful that my dogs have their own property to take care of such business, and the yard is cleaned twice a week.) There was a time easily within memory when you never saw this, and you had to be careful where you walked. I heard yesterday that smoking in the U.S. is at an all-time low since measurement began. I recall being in smoke-filled client offices as a normal part of business meetings. I remember never wearing my seat belt in my 1974 Corvette or 1990 Mercedes. But I do all the time now in all my cars.
Laws and rules have impact on such situations, but education is the key, in these cases about health and safety. Laws and punishment attempt (not always successfully) to alter behavior, but education changes beliefs which inform behavior, and creates change with more discipline and commitment.
We need government, business, and society which focuses on education—not penalty, fiat, and threat. The British thought it was pawky to try to threaten the hell out of us here in 1776. That didn’t work out so well for them. Next week is Independence Day.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. —Nelson Mandela
Million Dollar Consulting® College—The first in two years.
I’ve slimmed it down to three days, take only a dozen people, and deal with all aspects of attraction, conversion, implementation, and expansion. Extensive role plays and exercises. Who knows if I’ll do another in two year—or ever? We’re half full, join us in December in a world-class property. Lodging and most meals are included in the fee.
The Solo Solo
Expressly for those who have no partner at home or a partner who is uninterested in their work. I’ve helped thousands of people with this lack of intimate support, and now I’m doing it “cabaret style,” with food and drink in my suite in New York. Join us in a relaxing atmosphere to find out how best to create a support system. Let’s talk.
You can’t “think outside the box” if you’re still in the box. And any box is too small for any true entrepreneur. Yet you probably don’t realize the dimensions of your current, unconscious confinement. Join me for a BIG day in Miami in January to learn how to instantly think in larger terms, be seen in a larger light, and live large.
Growth Access
This is my intellectual property repository, well over $75,000 of video, audio, textual, and workshop materials available to you without restriction and for life for a one-time fee of $2,500! We add to it regularly, and most recently included six livestream recorded broadcasts of an hour each from last year. Imagine reviewing the video “In the Buyer’s Office” just before you go to the buyer’s office?