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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/18/16

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/18/16

In Italy in particular and in most of Europe in general, drivers stay right unless they're passing a slower vehicle. You seldom see high beams used or hear horns. It's a natural courtesy, probably stemming from the fact that most roads are only two lanes in either direction, and traffic would move much slower if people didn't get out of the way.

As they don't in the U.S. We just completed one of our annual pilgrimages—to the Jersey Shore—which is just under 400 miles, round trip. The Garden State Parkway, Merritt Parkway, and Interstate 95 are sometimes four lanes, more often two lanes. The problem is people often won't let faster drivers get by them, causing massive slowdowns and the increased danger of trying to pass on the right.

Some of these people are making a statement. They don't move for anyone, they aren't “giving in.” These are the folks with massive insecurity complexes who overcompensate by being offensive.

Some are oblivious. They don't know there are people behind them because they never look in their mirrors and/or are too busy working their phones.

Some are uninformed. They don't realize that the law—often posted roadside—is to “keep right except to pass.”

I don't mind the extra time addded to my trip, and I've learned (sort of—it's not exactly an eirenic experience) to accept it. But the problem is that these miscreants are not confined to driving.

I encounter people regularly who are overcompensating, oblivious, and uninformed (just read Facebook). As on the roads, they're wasting everyone else's time.

You can't be a non-conformist if you don't drink coffee.

from the TV show “South Park”

Retreats: One on creating IP and powerful branding, one on launching a “retail” business with minimum effort, in San Francisco and Naples. Scroll down here: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/alans-2016-retreat-experience/

Role Play Workshop:  With a small group in a comfortable setting in New York City, we'll practive every aspect of prospect and client interactions—switching roles, with maximum “air time.” You're encouraged to record your practice. On my site this coming week, or write me: [email protected] to apply.

TransAtlantic Workshop:   One-time only in the US, sold out in Hamburg and Munich. One day on acquiring six-figure projects, one day on running a seven-figure practice with zero employees. Matt Kolbusa joins me from Germany, who has done this for years. Washington, DC, following the IMC conference, where I'm the closing plenary speaker: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/the-transatlantic-workshops/

Periscope Broadcast: My rescheduled session on eliminating energy suckers in your life. Wednesday, July 20 at 11 US Eastern time: @BentleyGTCSpeed

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® is a registered trademark of Alan Weiss and Summit Consulting Group, Inc.


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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